Our Active RFID technology is suitable for the protection of paintings, display cases, sculptures and other valuable artefacts in museums, galleries, private collections, office buildings, places of worship and for art in transit.
Wavetrend’s products meet the most stringent security and monitoring requirements enabling 24/7 real time protection against theft, damage, and adverse environmental conditions.
Wavetrend and its partners work together to ensure:
- discrete monitoring of all artworks for attempted theft, contact, accidental damage, and changes in local temperature and humidity
- ease of collection management for curators from one museum to another; all assets can be managed and monitored from multiple PCs in different locations simultaneously
- artworks are secure even when off the wall, moving into or from storage, or during a fit-out
- artworks can be moved quickly in case of fire or flood as no security fixings are required
- our technology is designed to be fully integrated with existing security infrastructures including CCTV, SMS, VMS, digital mobile radio and intruder detection systems
- real time audit of artwork or other valuable assets.
Museums and galleries have extraordinarily valuable assets to protect, with inventories valued in the multiple millions, if not billions, of dollars. The cost to commission and install an Active RFID security system is less than one or two major pieces of artwork, or a small percentage of the total value protected, making the realisation of ROI on an RFID-based system the norm, rather than the exception.